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Geodesics: takes vectors that are tangent to themselves and keeps them tangent while they are parallel transported

resource recommendations


baez tutorial



We promised to state Einstein’s equation in plain English, but have not done so yet. Here it is
Given a small ball of freely falling test particles initially at rest with respect to each other, the rate at which it begins to shrink is proportional to its volume times: the energy density at the center of the ball, plus the pressure in the (x) direction at that point, plus the pressure in the (y) direction, plus the pressure in the (z) direction.


http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/einstein/node6a.html newthon’s law derivation – go through

[2014-07-15] sean carroll lecture notes on general relativity

many people recommend it (e.g. on Reddit)

parallel transport depends on path. actually that’s why relative velocity doesn’t make sense.

equation of paralllel transport. in a sense, it’s a IVP

parallel propagator
ok, we get geodesic equatiion from the parellel transport equation

ANN [Carroll][2014] Spacetime and Geometry. An Introduction to General Relativity.pdf

p.6 synchronised clocks: from point a to b and back to a, then tb = (ta + ta‘) / 2

natural generalisation of cartesian coordinates in space
if we construct coordinates that way, it’s called inertial frame

p.8 coordinates are superscripts, metric tensor is subscripts

p.9 timelike particles is travelling slower than light

proper time is ds (where -ds2 < 0)

p.11 nonstraight path has a shorter proper time

interval – integral of sqrt(nuv du/dlam dv/dlam dlam)

p. 13 Lorentz transformations, lorentz group

boost - rotations between space and time
Poincare group

spacetime transformations: axes are orthogonal in the lorenzian sense

p.15 once the space is curved, we can’t move vectors freely anymore. tangent space Tp

p. 19

Tp – contravariant vectors
T*p – covariant vectors

gradient – dual vector
levi-civita symbol: epsuvpo = +1/-1/0 – if even/odd permutation/otherwise


metric, inverse metric, kronecker delta and the levi-civita symbol – their components are unchanged in any inertial coordinate frame in flat spacetime (and these are the only tensors with suck property)
kronecker – identity map from vectors to vectors, so should have same components regardless

hmm, must have something to do with determinant? https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/281185/40624

if we are referring to the same Levi-Civita symbol, i.e. the completely antisymmetric symbol, then this is not a tensor. It is a tensor density of weight −1, which means that under a general coordinate transformation it gets multiplied by the inverse Jacobian of the transformation.

magnetic and electric fields – are only vectors under rotations in space. in facet – components of EM (0, 2) tensor

p. 30 – covariant form of equations means tensorial – has nothing to do with ‘covariant’ as oppposed to ‘contravariant’

p 31 – the fact that spacetime is flat allows a unique choice of straight line between the points

timelike particles – useful to parameterise them by proper time (sometimes you can experess tau(lambda) and then transform to x(tau)). 4-velocity is the tangent vector in this parameterisation
4-velocity is always normalised – makes sense since it’s velocity through spacetime

p 32

mass is a fixed quantity independent of inertial frame, ‘rest mass’
hmmm, unclear…
wiki says that by definition the invariant mass is ratio of 4-momentum to 4-velocity
The invariant mass, rest mass, intrinsic mass, proper mass, or in the case of bound systems simply mass, is the portion of the total mass of an object or system of objects that is independent of the overall motion of the system.
that actually makes more sense

eq 1.106 – wonder if it’s the ‘type directed’ inference that guy mentioned

p 33

energy-momentum tensor – flux of momentum pu throught a surface of constant xv

p 34

derivation of energy-momentum tensor for dust

ok, do exercises, p. 45

some pdf at work.. calculating levi-civita symbols for cylinder

play with metric tensor a bit

suppose metric is dS = x2 dx + dy2. What does that mean?

first, analyse the dS. The further away we are from origin, the longer is line element.
TODO what does that mean?
TODO dS = d(x2/2) + dy2 – wonder if that transformation is useful?

  • So, our metric tensor is Diag[x2, 1]?
    TODO is the metric being positive definite important? – ok, if it’s not, that’s non Riemannian geometry, apparently some crazy shit.

Geodesic equation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solving_the_geodesic_equations#The_geodesic_equation

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